35 x 35 = 35^2 => 1225
Simplify and find the value if x=3, a=-1,b= -2. b. 3a+5-8a+1
26 + 43 − 32 × 23 ÷ 46
The tensions T1, and T2, measured in Newtons, in a simple framework are given by
the following simultaneous equations:
3T1 − T2 ...
Lielveikala autostāvvietā ir novietotas 720 automašīnas, tās ir aizņēmušas 60% no stāvvietas. Cik automašīnu pavisam var novietot ...
35 x 35
g2- $\sqrt{\Box}$ 7+4 $\sqrt{\Box}$ 3
1/2 = x/4.27
2x + 3y * 5xy