{ x \mid x \leq -2 \text{ or } x \geq 2 }

asked by guest
on Sep 25, 2024 at 1:36 am

You asked:

List the elements of the following set expression:

\[\begin{align*}& \{x \mid x \le -2 \lor x \ge 2\}\end{align*}\]

MathBot Answer:

The solution to the expression $\{x \mid x \le -2 \lor x \ge 2\}$ is the union $\left(-\infty, -2\right] \cup \left[2, \infty\right)$.

The elements of the union $\left(-\infty, -2\right] \cup \left[2, \infty\right)$ are not enumerable, as the union cannot be made in one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers.