
asked by guest
on Sep 20, 2024 at 2:13 pm

You asked:

Evaluate the expression: \(4523 \:\%\: 23\)

MathBot Answer:

\[4523 \:\%\: 23 = 15\]

The notation \(m \% n\) denotes the remainder of the integer \(m\) divided by the integer \(n\). \(m \% n = r\) means that given integers \(m\) and \(n\), where \(n\) is non-zero, there exist integers \(q\) and \(r\), where \(\lvert r \rvert < \lvert n \rvert\), such that \(m = q n + r\). MathBot adopts the convention that the remainder \(r\) and the divisor \(n\) share the same sign. Alternate notations for \(m \% n\) are \(\operatorname{mod}(m, n)\) and \(m \bmod n\).