Scenario: Careful energy measurements show that a warifruit is worth 10 kc of energy. The cost of running

up the tree, shaking the fruit loose, and running back down to the ground is 2 kc for Big Monkey, but is

negligible for Little Monkey. If both monkeys climb the tree, shake the fruit loose, climb down the tree, and

eat the fruit, Big Monkey gets 7 kc and Little Monkey gets 3 kc, since Big Monkey hogs most of it. If only Big

Monkey climbs the tree while Little Monkey waits on the ground for the fruit to fall, Big Monkey gets 6 kc

and Little Monkey gets 4 kc. If only Little Monkey climbs the tree while Big Monkey waits on the ground for

the fruit to fall, Big Monkey gets 9 kc and Little Monkey gets 1 kc.

Question: What will be the normal form and extensive form representation of the big monkey and little

monkey game?

asked by guest
on Dec 31, 2024 at 9:50 pm

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I wasn't able to parse your question, but the HE.NET team is hard at work making me smarter.