From the input signal x1(t)

and the impulse reponse h1(t)

the convolution product


is computed. The Fourier transform of the time domain signal y1(t)

is denoted by


where |Y1(jω)|

is the magnitude and φ1(jω)

is the phase.

In order to determine the magnitude and the phase the following plot of y1(t)

shall be used.

Note: The time signal consists of real part (—) and imaginary part (- - -).

Question: Complete the following statements about magnitude and phase of the Fourier transform of y1(t)


The waveform of the magnitude is

-- please select --

with a maximum value of


The waveform of the phase is

-- please select --


Give the constant value of the phase or the slope of the phase:


asked by guest
on Nov 19, 2024 at 5:16 am

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