convert 7 72/1000 to decimal number

asked by guest
on Oct 24, 2024 at 4:13 am

You asked:

Convert $7\frac{72}{1000}$ to decimal notation.

MathBot Answer:

$7\frac{72}{1000}$ is exactly $7.072$.

Long Division

\[\begin{align*} & \phantom) \phantom{00}7.072 \\ 125 \; & \overline{\smash)884.\phantom{000}} \\ & \phantom) \mathllap{-} \underline{ 875}\textcolor{#008364}{\mathrlap{\downarrow}} \\ & \phantom) \phantom{00} 9\textcolor{#008364}{0} \\ & \phantom) \phantom{00} \mathllap{-} \underline{\phantom{0} 0}\textcolor{#008364}{\mathrlap{\downarrow}} \\ & \phantom) \phantom{00} 90\textcolor{#008364}{0} \\ & \phantom) \phantom{00} \mathllap{-} \underline{ 875}\textcolor{#008364}{\mathrlap{\downarrow}} \\ & \phantom) \phantom{000} 25\textcolor{#008364}{0} \\ & \phantom) \phantom{000} \mathllap{-} \underline{ 250} \\ & \phantom) \phantom{00000} 0 \end{align*}\]


Start by converting $7\frac{72}{1000}$ to an improper fraction $\frac{884}{125}$.

  1. 125 fits into 884 $7$ times, producing 875. Subtract from 884 to get remainder 9. Carry a zero to produce 90.

  2. 125 fits into 90 $0$ times. Carry a zero to produce 900.

  3. 125 fits into 900 $7$ times, producing 875. Subtract from 900 to get remainder 25. Carry a zero to produce 250.

  4. 125 fits into 250 $2$ times, producing 250. Subtract from 250 to get remainder 0.

  5. The remainder is 0, so the final answer is an exact decimal number.