4,799,960 divisible by 9?

asked by guest
on Nov 13, 2024 at 10:28 pm

You asked:

Is \(4799960\) divisible by \(9\)?

MathBot Answer:

\(4799960\) is not divisible by \(9\).

To divide integers by hand, we use long division:

 Step 1: Divide the first digit of the dividend by the divisor and write the result on top of the bar above that digit. If the first digit of the dividend is smaller than the divisor, write zero.
 Step 2: Multiply the divisor by the result, and subtract that number from the digit, writing the difference below.
 Step 3: Bring down the next digit of the dividend next to the difference, and repeat this process with the new number that is formed by these two digits.
 Step 4: Repeat this process until you reach the end of the dividend.

The number on top of the bar will be the quotient, and the final difference at the bottom will be the remainder.

$\begin{aligned}533328 &\\9\overline{\big | 4799960}&&\\\underline{-0}\hspace{7.199999999999999 ex}&&\\47\hspace{6.0 ex}&&\\\underline{-45}\hspace{6.0 ex}&&\\29\hspace{4.8 ex}&&\\\underline{-27}\hspace{4.8 ex}&&\\29\hspace{3.5999999999999996 ex}&&\\\underline{-27}\hspace{3.5999999999999996 ex}&&\\29\hspace{2.4 ex}&&\\\underline{-27}\hspace{2.4 ex}&&\\26\hspace{1.2 ex}&&\\\underline{-18}\hspace{1.2 ex}&&\\80\hspace{0.0 ex}&&\\\underline{-72}&&\\8&&\\\end{aligned}$

The quotient is \(533328\) and the remainder is \(8\). Because there is a remainder, \(4799960\) is not divisible by \(9\).