Burger Barns three locations sell fries, burgers and soft drinks. Brant I sells 500 orders of fries, 150 burgers and 300 soft drinks on daily basis. Bran II and Bran III sell 900 and 700 orders of fries respectively, per day. Bran II sells 440 burgers and 830 soft drinks while Bran III sells 580 burgers and 1200 soft drinks each day.

(a) Write a 3 x 3 matrix that represents daily sales for all locations.

(b) If fries cost $0.92 per order, burger $1.54 each and soft drink $0.58 each. Write a matrix of order 1 x 3 that represents the prices. (c) What is the total daily income from all the locations?

asked by guest
on Sep 22, 2024 at 5:24 am

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