Fill out the financial position and other missing information below for Aerosmith

Corporation. These ratios will help you: Current ratio = 2, Cash ratio = 0, Debt equity ratio

= 70%, Gross profit margin = 20%, Net profit margin = 6%, Inventory turnover = 8,

Receivables turnover = 10. (Show your calculation).

Aerosmith Corporation

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2024

Cash ____________ Accounts payable _____________

Accounts receivable ____________ Long-term debt 1,000,000

Inventory ____________ Common stock _____________

Current assets ____________

Non-current assets ____________

Total Assets 4,857,143 Total Liabilities & Equity 4,857,143

Sales 10,000,000 Acid-test ratio ____________

Cost of Goods Sold ____________ Total asset turnover ____________

Gross Profit ____________ Return on equity ____________

(-) Expenses ____________ Return on asset ____________

Net Profit ____________

asked by guest
on Dec 25, 2024 at 9:48 pm

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