what is 2.96795 to 4 decimal places
You asked:
Round \(2.96795\) to \(4\) decimal places.
MathBot Answer:
\(2.96795\) rounded to 4 decimal places is: \[ 2.968 \]
Rounding a quantity to 4 decimal places is equivalent to rounding it to the nearest \(10^{-4}\). The two consecutive integer multiples of \(10^{-4}\) that \(2.96795\) falls between are \(2.9679\) and \(2.968\). \(2.96795\) is equidistant from \(2.9679\) and \(2.968\). A convention for deciding to round up or round down in this case, is to round away from zero. Since \(2.96795\) is positive, rounding away from zero is equivalent to rounding up to \(2.968\).