z = x-iy/x+iy then |z|

asked by guest
on Nov 27, 2024 at 7:46 am

You asked:

Given \(z = x - \frac{i y}{x} + i y\) evaluate the expression \(\left\lvert z\right\rvert\).

MathBot Answer:

\[\left\lvert z\right\rvert = \left|{x + y i - \frac{y i}{x}}\right|\]

$$\begin{aligned}\left|{z}\right|&=\left|{x + y i - \frac{y i}{x}}\right|\\&=\left|{x + y i - \frac{i y}{x}}\right|\\&=\left|{y i + x -\frac{i y}{x}}\right|\\&=\left|{y i + x - \frac{i y}{x}}\right|\\&=\left|{x + y i - \frac{y i}{x}}\right|\end{aligned}$$

\(i\) is the imaginary unit, defined as \(i^2 = -1\).