# Define the modulus n and the encrypted values

n = 2955470031753586037

enc_m = 824775024880550225

enc_m_plus_1 = 1033535885078962937

# Calculate the difference delta

delta = (enc_m_plus_1 - enc_m) % n

# Define m as a variable

m = var('m')

# Check if the modular equation is solvable

eq = 3 * m^2 + 3 * m + 1 == delta

# Solve the modular equation (3 * m^2 + 3 * m + 1) % n == delta

solutions = solve(eq, m, modulus=n)

# Output the result

if solutions:

print(f"Found m: {solutions[0]}")


print("Could not find m.")

asked by guest
on Feb 02, 2025 at 4:27 am

Mathbot Says...

I wasn't able to parse your question, but the HE.NET team is hard at work making me smarter.