Answer the following:

1. A data set has a mean of 212 and a standard deviation of 40. Find the z- score for each of

the following.

a. x = 200 c. x = 300

b. x = 224 d. x = 500

3. The scores of 15 BSTM 1 – A students in a 50 item tests are:

33 22 25 17 20 20 16 19 23 16 20 20 17 20 40


a. Q1 b. Q2 c. Q3

4. Total number of defective items produced daily by machines in a factory in a week:

16, 26, 20, 18, 6, 10, 6


a. P20 b. P75

c. P40 d. Percentile rank of 10

2. A random sample of 80 tires showed that the mean mileage per tire was 41,700 mi, with a

standard deviation of 4300 mi.

Find the z – score for a tire that provided 46,300 mi of wear. (Round your answer to two

decimal places only.)

asked by guest
on Oct 26, 2024 at 1:23 am

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