adjustUvs(t, e, r, s) {
const n = e.baseTexture,
a = 1e-6,
o = r + s * 2,
h = e.frame,
l = h.width / n.width,
u = h.height / n.height;
let c = h.x / h.width,
d = h.y / h.height,
f = Math.floor(t[r] + a),
m = Math.floor(t[r + 1] + a);
for (let p = r + 2; p < o; p += 2) f = Math.min(f, Math.floor(t[p] + a)), m = Math.min(m, Math.floor(t[p + 1] + a));
c -= f, d -= m;
for (let p = r; p < o; p += 2) t[p] = (t[p] + c) * l, t[p + 1] = (t[p + 1] + d) * u
Mathbot Says...
I wasn't able to parse your question, but the HE.NET team is hard at work making me smarter.