Instruction: Solve what is asked.

1. A ship is sailing and observes a lighthouse on the shore. The angle of depression from the ship's observation point (which is 50 meters above sea level) to the base of the lighthouse is 12 degrees. How far is the ship from the base of the lighthouse?

2. A ship is 200 meters from a cliff. The angle of depression from the top of the cliff to the ship is 25 degrees. How tall is the cliff?

3. Two towers are on a north-south line. From tower A, a ship is located at bearing of 247°. From tower B, the ship is located at bearing of 337°. Find the distance between the towers if the distance from tower A to ship is 2527 meters.

asked by guest
on Sep 24, 2024 at 5:29 am

Mathbot Says...

I wasn't able to parse your question, but the HE.NET team is hard at work making me smarter.