87.1* e(.045/4)ke^{(.045/4) - k} = 85.5

solve for k

asked by guest
on Mar 22, 2025 at 11:41 pm

You asked:

Solve the equation 87.1e.0454k=85.587.1 {e}^{\frac{.045}{4} - k} = 85.5 for the unknown kk.

MathBot Answer:

The real solution is: k=9800log(855871)0.029790508k = \frac{9}{800} - \log{\left(\frac{855}{871} \right)} \approx 0.029790508

The complex solutions are: {2niπ+9800log(855871)  |  nZ}\left\{2 n i \pi + \frac{9}{800} - \log{\left(\frac{855}{871} \right)}\; \middle|\; n \in \mathbb{Z}\right\}

ee is Euler's number, a mathematical constant that is approximately 2.718282.71828.

ii is the imaginary unit, defined as i2=1i^2 = -1.