Suppose there are three groups of voters: the pro-war people (W), the normal people

(N) and the pacifists (P). Those voters care about a one-dimensional policy, with singlepeaked preferences. Further suppose that the W and the P groups comprise 25% of the

population each, while the N group contains 50% of total population. Further suppose

that W’s bliss point is 1, N’s bliss point is 0.4, and P’s bliss point is 0. Finally, suppose

that two office seeking candidates (Mr. X and Ms. Y) propose platforms to be elected.

What will be the policy proposed by Mr. X? What will be the policy proposed by Ms.

Y? Please justify your answer. How would your answer change if the N group instead

comprises 20% of the population, while the W and the P groups comprise 40% each?

asked by guest
on Jan 10, 2025 at 11:46 am

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