andy house was at opps 34,ben house was at opp 56 ,Andy and ben walked to a bus stopwhich was opp 234,andy took bus 34 which was from bbonlay to bt batok to opps ben house and bus 98to opp lakeside stn

ben took bus24 to bt batok stn andbus 34 to opp carly house , andy tookbus 45 to opps bt batok stn and bus35 to lakeside stn

ben took bus46 to opps yew tee stn ,bus67which was from opps 345 to boon lay stn to opps bt gombak stn ,bus67e to boonlay stn ,based on this what buses shouls they take to each of their house,given that each bus goes to a regular interchange (a) what interchanges does the buses go to in singapore (b) using (a) can u solve how andy and ben mmets up at blk 45 which was 45km away now ?

asked by guest
on Dec 26, 2024 at 2:56 am

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