Construct Line Segment LM (6 cm):

Draw a straight line using a ruler.

Mark a point on it and label it L.

Place the compass point on L and open it to 6 cm.

Swing the compass arc and mark the point M. Connect L to M.

Construct Line Segment PQ (7.5 cm):

Draw another straight line.

Mark a point P on it.

Open the compass to 7.5 cm.

Swing an arc from P and mark Q. Connect P to Q.

Construct Equilateral Triangle PQR:

From P, swing an arc with a radius of 5 cm.

From Q, swing another arc of 5 cm to intersect the first arc.

Label the intersection as R.

Connect P, Q, and R to form the equilateral triangle PQR.

Mark Midpoints and Draw Triangle XYZ:

Find the midpoints of sides PQ, QR, and PR. Mark them as X, Y, and Z.

Connect X, Y, and Z to form the triangle XYZ inside PQR.

asked by guest
on Sep 25, 2024 at 9:19 am

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