Answer the ff with step by step solution easy to understand and correct units.

1. If you have a 0.25 M solution of potassium nitrate (KNO3). How pany grams of KNO3 are present in 500 mL of this solution?

• (K=39.1g/mol, N=14g/mol, 0=16g/mol)

2. You have a 750 mL solution of 12% (w/v)

glucose. You want to dilute this solution to a concentration of 8%. How much water should you add to achieve the desired concentration?

3. We have a 500 gram sample of a soil that contains 3.5% (w/w) organic matter. How many grams of organic matter are present in the soil sample?

4. A patient needs to take 50 mg of a certain medication daily. If the medication comes in tablets of 250 micrograms each, how many tablets should the patient take per day?

5. What is the molarity of H2S04 solution if you have a 250 mL solution of 0.2N sulfuric acid?

asked by guest
on Sep 21, 2024 at 3:44 am

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