thirteen out of three minus two
Total number of people in a community is 300. 70% love hiking. 60% love swimming. 50% love camping. 40% love hiking and swimming. ...
ماكلورين ل F(x) = e power -X²F(x) = e power -X²
Un viajero que vive en Venezuela (punto A), inicia un trayecto recorriendo Sudamérica, se dirige a Perú (Punto B), luego a Argenti...
1. \(\frac{1}{2} \int \sec^{-1} \theta \, d\theta\)
2. \(\int_1^{\sqrt{2}} \frac{dx}{\sqrt{x}(4 - x)}\)
$2^{x+5}$ + $2^{x-3}$ =66