convert 0.2 to a fraction
fraction numerator 2 x over denominator 6 end fraction cross times fraction numerator 3 over denominator 5 x y end fraction
fraction numerator 2 x over denominator 6 end fraction cross times fraction numerator 3 over denominator 5 x y end fraction equals
fraction numerator 9 left parenthesis p plus q right parenthesis over denominator 12 r end fraction divided by fraction numerator ...
Suppose we are monitoring a volcano. Let 𝐸 be the event that there is an eruption in the next six months, and 𝑆 be the event that ...
SolutionSolutionofSolutionSolutionofofSolutionSolutionofSolutionSolutionofofofof dy/dx = x²y(x²+4)²/xy²-xy³